Our Values & Culture

Commitment to Excellence

We are committed to excellence in everything we do. Our goal is to be recognised as the leading international corporate and disputes practice in Asia. Our major asset is our people, so we seek to recruit and motivate people of the highest calibre. We know that without the best lawyers, we cannot be the best firm.

Breakthrough Insight

We constantly challenge conventional wisdom in order to generate new and better legal solutions, while still recognising that sometimes the old way may still be the best way. We stress innovation and creativity in all that we do so that our clients select us for the most complex and challenging legal instructions.


Teamwork is central to our culture. We work collaboratively with each other and our clients towards shared goals. We communicate in an open, honest, collegial and constructive manner.


We offer our people the opportunity to take on new responsibilities as quickly as they are able. Our best lawyers always surprise us with their pace of personal growth and we respond by providing them with stretch opportunities. Advancement and compensation are based solely on merit with no tenure-based entitlements, or other artificial barriers to growth.

Balanced Lifestyle

We are output, not input oriented and reject the culture of long hours for their own sake. We aim to create an enjoyable working atmosphere but we also encourage our staff to pursue their interests out of work, as it makes them better lawyers and more interesting colleagues. The quid pro quo is that we expect our staff to set high standards for their work, and accept the occasional rough with the more frequent smooth.


Why Join Us?

Our philosophy is the driving force behind a legal practice that is unique in its focus, depth of understanding, and pragmatism. For the individual, this philosophy means not only the challenge and satisfaction that comes from involvement in legal work that has real impact on top-class companies, but also the stimulation of a work environment in which the challenge of intellectual frontiers is both encouraged and expected. We look for highly ambitious individuals from leading law schools that are curious, intelligent, and mature who seek a stimulating environment that rewards excellence.

Challenging Work

Our multi-specialisation approach enables us to bring to each client a dedicated team with a thorough understanding of all the legal issues faced by our clients.


Teamwork is central to our culture. We work collaboratively with each other and our clients towards shared goals. We communicate in an open, honest, collegial and constructive manner.

What we can do for you

As a member on our transaction team, you will be given primary responsibility for a specific part of the transaction. As you become a more experienced professional, the firm will provide you with broader responsibilities, including managing client relationships, determining the appropriate legal analyses required to address a client concern, and providing the “drive” behind the transaction. There are no predetermined levels for advancement based on tenure at the firm. Your demonstrated abilities determine your level of responsibility.

Our Salary Scales

We want the best people, and will pay you accordingly.

Bonuses vary for different individuals and will depend on both the performances of the Firm and the individuals. Our salaries are reviewed in the month of May annually and they will be adjusted to take into account the market environment.

Data Protection for Applicants

Please read and understand our Data Protection Policy for Job Applicants before submitting your application.

Graduates, Interns and Law Students

Internships and Training Contracts are available at Duane Morris & Selvam in our Singapore office.

  Internship Training Contract
Duration Minimum 1 month 1 year
Application period At least 2 months before the internship period 1 year before the training period
Application procedure Please apply here with your curriculum vitae, transcripts (all education levels) and cover letter. Interns, please apply here. Trainees/Law Students, please apply here.

Newly Qualified/Experienced Lawyers

Qualified lawyers, please apply here with your curriculum vitae, transcripts (all education levels) and cover letter.